So, to cut down on the number of random memberships I have to sites, I decided not to join Ning, but I did look around a bit. I am pretty sure I've been to this site before when it was reviewed on a blog I watch. So I started to try and find groups about my interest.
First I searched for 'taiko' which is Japanese drumming. There was a group called Medical Taiko but I don't think they are what I was looking for. Anyways, that's the only thing that popped up for that search. Secondly I searched for writing, since someday I think I would like to write a book. There were a lot of groups for teachers who teach writing to their students and a nice community called Write it! Publish it! Market it! which I clicked on for a closer look. I had a hard time finding the type of content I was looking for (guides to writing and getting published) on their site. It mostly seemed to be about joining and chatting. I guess I was looking for something meatier. Actually, looking closer, they do seem to have blogs where some of that content can be found, but I am not positive it's the type of community I would use a lot.
Anyways, it seems like a nice way to link users up with social networks based on interest. Not sure if I'd use it but it's good to know about!
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Todd and I was just chekcing on your progress with the 23 things. You seem to be doing OK. If you get stuck let me know.
The videos you linked are great! I'd seen the manamana one, but the others are new. Love the bond one!